Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Holton James Kennedy was born on June 3, 2009 at 7:25 pm. He entered via c-section, so as to have birth stories to share with his three older cousins. Holton was welcomed to the nursery with a throng of screaming fans… see his family needed some joy.

The day before Holton’s arrival was a sad one. Holton’s uncle, Grant Kennedy passed away to be with Jesus in heaven. Grant fought long and hard and his body was worn out. He was tired of fighting for every breath. His parents loved him so much, had taken such amazing care of him and they knew he was exhausted.

Once again the lines from ‘Blessed Be Your Name’ ring true.

Blessed be Your name
You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name

Holton came during a week of sadness. He was a bright light during cloudy days. We know the Lord’s timing is perfect and Holton arrived just exactly when he was needed. Arms that suddenly were empty found a new life to hold. Eyes that were red rimmed with grief filled with joyful tears. Lips that kissed one Kennedy good bye, kissed another Kennedy hello.

We are extremely thankful for Holton James Kennedy. We will spend his life telling him what a complete blessing he is!

Happy one week birthday, little man!

Happy Wednesday~

1 comment:

Kelly said...

What a sweet post. I am so sorry for the Kennedy's loss, he was so young. What a blessing little Holton is. I love that picture. I hope Jory is doing well.