Friday, July 06, 2007

Friday Convictions

I was convicted early this morning. #3 didn't start her morning coos and gaa-gaas til 545. Meaning I had had about 7 hours of good sleep. As I rolled over and thought about getting up, I thought about the fact that I would most likely have a good amount of time awake before #1 and #2 were awake. I am not diligent in my quiet times, I easily justify extra sleep or the numerous chores once the day gets started. Even today as I walked down the hallway #2 came out of his room and I layed back down with him in my bed. It was 6am after all. (Mr. Brick was feeding #3)

But I just couldn't get back to sleep. I knew I had to read my Bible this morning. I gave a rouse to #2 about needing some medicine(I have a head cold) and slipped back out of bed. I decided to read Proverbs 6, as I sometimes read the Proverb chapter corresponding to the day of the month. It was all about being lazy and loving sleep.........whoa...............glad I got back up!

Then I turned to 2 Timothy. And in chapter 2 I came across this verse:

Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly.
2 Tim 2:16

Aieee........I am a talker. I can talk with friends for hours.....especially could prekids. I struggle with gossip, easily slipping into conversations that are not life building. I have been convicted of that again and again and I am thankful for the friends I have to hold me accountable in that arena. And this week the chapter I am reading in A Woman's High Calling is about godly speech.

So, I am going to take the hint from God and focus a bit on my tongue for a while. I have been quoting the proverb to my children that our words need to be sweet like honey and I think I will turn it back to myself as well.

Thank you God, for your gentle nudge this morning! May I be as discerning tomorrow!

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