Tuesday, June 26, 2007

10 on Tuesday

Honest blog alert......Honest blog alert.......Honest blog alert

10 things that make me grumpy:

1. Too little sleep

2. Clothes that don't fit

3.Whiny voices

4. My messy house

5. Medical bills

6. The phone ringing during my nap

7. Lack of exercise

8. Yard work that needs to be done

9. The fact that there is no time in sight that I will get to scrap book

10. That I can't shake my 'grumpies' away!

I was visiting with a friend for just a short minute today and we were both grumpy. I found it freeing to be able to tell her that I was feeling this way. I think often we, as women, try hard to look good in front of others and that we try to put the best foot forward and pretend like everything is hunky-dory. I am here to tell you that raising 3 small babes is hard. I am so tired and my lack of patience makes me sad. I know that an extra episode or 3 of PBS programming isn't going to fatally harm my 4 year old. I also know how much more enjoyable it is for my husband when he comes home to a picked up living room and not a dead tired woman on his couch. I am going to work on it. And I am thanking my friend for being honest with me this morning and allowing me to share my struggles with her as well.

What are you struggling with?


Anonymous said...

AHHH! I was going to post the EXACT same thing today! I'm tired. My house is a wreck. My husband works all day and comes home to me handing him the baby.
I don't exercise. My yard is chaos. :) I guess it's good in a way to know that I'm not alone.

Anonymous said...

Hey sisters! I'm SO with you! Fortunately today the grumpies aren't too bad, but house and home and flower beds look QUITE terrible. Hubby isn't complaining but even as I type is doing laundry and cleaning up....I've found myself wondering this week, also, if too much WebKinz (computer) time will rot an 8-yr-old's brain. My struggle for today is shame. I was appointed secretary for my Bible study group and arrived late today. Another group member took pity on me and took over the job (permanently). I was really tremendously relieved but also ashamed. Admitting that I need help is hard. But truth is, this life stage IS hard, and J, you really encouraged me today. Just knowing I'm not alone speaks volumes. Hang in there!!!

Anonymous said...


I barely have time to leave a comment now!!! :-(

But, they sure are worth it!!!

Love Ya!!!
