Friday, August 15, 2008

It's pretty much who you know-

That has worked for us this week.

Monday night after Supper Club I got a call from my Grandpa. My Granny had fallen, possibly broken her hip and he was calling an ambulance. Oh my. I met them in the ER and stayed til Granny had enough pain medicine to be snoring above the sounds of the extremely busy ER. Ask me about the prisoner, man who coughed and the pregnant lady another time.

My mom told me which surgeon to ask for and that Dr called me at 8 am Tues morning. His news wasn't good. I am really not sure they should give you certain statistics over the phone. After calling my boss I headed to the hospital for a long day of waiting. While we waited, no fewer than 6 people we knew who worked at the hospital came to see us. Nurses, administrators, drs. It felt so comforting to be known and to be taken care of.

I don't doubt that these people take care of each and every patient. However, they went out of their way to let us know what was going on. The anesthetist is a close family friend and I felt such concern and love from him regarding my granny. He called up to our room, called her out of town drs and came to see us repeatedly in the pre op room.

He kept telling us how sick she was, but in a very sweet way, like he was preparing us for a possibility we didn't want to think about.

The great news is she made it out of surgery. {The actual procedure took 14 mins, how crazy is that?} She is still in ICU but I want her there as long as possible. She has a nurse that only has one other patient. The visiting hours are strictly enforced which gives us boundaries and lets her rest.

She was up in a chair yesterday and took a step or two. She is definitely on the mend and I continue to pray for her comfort through the pain. Her visitors haven't stopped from within the hospital and I feel certainly blessed that we are able to go through this difficult time with friends nearby.

Happy Friday~


Anonymous said...

Hope your grandma heals fast. I know it is hard to have a loved one in the hospital. Take care of yourself.

SEe ya in a few weeks at school.

Laura Brittain said...

It is very comforting to have hospital staff that you know. I'm so sorry you've had this trial this week. We'll be praying for you.

Emily said...

Oh no, we will be praying for you and your Granny.

Les said...

I'm glad to hear that your Granny is on the mend. She is in our prayers.

Bobbie said...

I hope your Granny recovers quickly. I know how much she means to you.

Kelly said...

I am so sorry friend! Ugh, these Granny's are going to make us old before our time. I am glad she is on the mend, and I pray she continues to get stronger.

Kalley said...

Sadlers are saying some prayers.

Nicole said...

So sorry girl. Liftin' yall up.
I cant wait to hear about the cough and prego!

Susan said...

I am so sorry to hear about everything you and your family are going through right now.

You and your family will be in my prayers!

Hang in there!

MiChal said...

I'm so sorry. Know that you can call on me to babysit anytime. On another subject, I saw J's engagement photo. I really liked the shot. Different; makes their faces POP.

Nicole said...

can you give us an update?