Thursday, February 22, 2007

It's Official

Baby #3 will make his or her appearance on Wednesday April 25, 2007. We scheduled the csection today. Somehow this makes it more real! After lunch I tried to fit all three carseats in the back of our car and they fit! It won't be super comfy and I am sure we will have to upsize our transportation at some point, but it is possible.

And the Dr also had great advice concerning my recent bouts with being out of rest! So that is where I am off rest!


Sarah Knapp said...

Yay for another birthday in April - how great is anticipation! I hope the blood tests come out okay, keep me posted. My mom did well yesterday and she goes in for a heart monitor tomorrow and will wear it all weekend. No official results for a few weeks but the techs said she did well.
Love you.

Nicole said...

So how did the glucose testing go??